Legion of Mary is a hundred-year-old Pious Organization recognised by the universal Church and is akin to the spiritual sphere.   It was first formed by Bro. Frank Duff and the first enrolment took place on 7th September 1921 at 8 PM at Myra House, Francis Street, Dublin, Ireland and was named “Our Lady of Mercy”.  Ever since, it started to spread its branches all over the world slowly but surely and came to be acknowledged by the Church as a pious organisation. 

Legion of Mary is compared to that of a Roman army.  An army in the spiritual realm having for its leader none other than Mary, our Mother and Queen. She leads the Legion dressed in battle array to wage a war against the evil spiritual world.  

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation, under the clergy’s guidance, in Mary’s and the Church’s work of crushing the head of the serpent and thereby advancing the reign of Christ.

On 1st January 2016, a group of women in the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Whitefield, took their Legionary Promise and the Praesidium was named “Our Lady of Mercy Praesidium” since that year was the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  Ever since that time, there was no turning back and with Mary as our leader, we forged ahead with visiting homes, praying especially the Rosary with families, were instrumental for rectification of marriages, arranging for Baptism of little children, teaching children catechism, distributing Holy Communion to the sick, elderly and home bound.  We aspire to be like Mary following in her footsteps and living with her in the home of Nazareth.  In over 8 years of our existence, we experienced many miracles wrought by our dear Mother Mary. 

The activities of Legion of Mary in the Parish:

  • Legion of Mary regularly meet every Saturday at 4 PM as per the norms of Legionary Handbook. 
  • Legion of Mary members conduct the First Saturday Marian Devotion every month from 11 AM to 1 PM.
  • Legion of Mary leads the Rosary at the Grotto every Saturday after the evening Mass.
  • Legion of Mary tidies up the Sacristy every Monday morning.
  • Legion of Mary help in setting up the altar for daily Mass.
  • Legion of Mary takes Holy Communion to the sick, home bound and elderly every Wednesday.
  • Legion of Mary visits homes at least once or twice a week. 
  • Legion of Mary brings parishioners who are alone or home bound to the Parish Church for Mass.
  • Legion of Mary have been bringing parishioners to the Parish Clergy for rectification of marriage, Baptism of the children and marriage counselling.
  • Legion of Mary promotes Rosary recitation in homes.
  • Legion of Mary encourages members to be Faith Formators.
  • Legion of Mary also helps with online classes in preparation for the  First Holy Communion and Confirmation children. 
  • Legion of Mary has taken the Parish Clergy for house blessings.
  • Legion of Mary has taken the Parish Clergy for administering the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and Sacrament of Reconciliation to the home bound.
  • Legion of Mary distributes Holy Bibles, Holy Rosaries, Medals, Religious literature, Prayer Books, Bible Diaries, etc.
  • Legion of Mary make condolence visits, attend Funeral Masses whenever possible and provide liturgical support during the Funeral Masses and also visit the Cemetery.
  • Legion of Mary offers Masses for departed Legionaries.
  • Legion of Mary participated in the Mission Sunday Food Fest on Sunday, 5th November 2023.  We sold food bought from outside as well as made at home by some of the participating members who sponsored every item.  Our sale brought in a revenue of Rs.18,560/- plus Legion of Mary also participated in the Mini Food Fest held on 5th December 2023 which brought in a revenue of Rs.16,190/-. Rs.10,000/- was sponsored by the Parish. Totally Legion of Mary brought in Rs.34,750/- from both the Food Fest sale for Mission Sunday.
  • Legion of Mary sold 3 Raffle Ticket Books, each book consisting of 25 tickets amounting to Rs.7500/- towards the Mission Sunday Raffle Draw.
  • Legion of Mary participate in the Acies Function every year.  This Function is organised by the Senatus as the English Praesidium is affiliated to the Senatus.  This Function is very important because it is the renewal of the member’s consecration for one more year to our Blessed Lady who is the Queen of the Legion.  This Function begins with the Legionary Prayer, Recitation of the Holy Rosary, Catena, Holy Mass, Consecration, Concluding Legionary Prayer and a small get together of all the English Praesidia for interaction.
  • Legion of Mary with the members’ families conduct an Outdoor Function wherein we plan and organise to visit a Shrine or a Church of importance, arrange for a Mass, explore the place, share a meal and visit other Churches on the way.
  • Legion of Mary members pray together by reciting the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet whenever there is an opportunity.
  • Legion of Mary conducts Block Rosary, i.e., bringing two or three families together and praying the Rosary in one of the houses in the neighbourhood.
  • Legion of Mary visits the Orphanages and Old Age Homes.
  • Legion of Mary members give free counselling and free tuition.
  • Legion of Mary held a Christmas Outreach Program in an abandoned home for girl children between the ages of 7 to 11 years.
  • Legion of Mary members work in the Parish Office whenever needed.
  • Legion of Mary members go for Senatus meetings regularly on the first Sunday of the month.  Also, they attend Workshops.