Faith Formation

Sub Title

Sundays 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM June to February every year

Faith Formation is one of the most important ministries at our Parish. We believe that inviting children and the youth in our parish into a loving relationship with God Our Father and Jesus our Lord and building a fellowship with the Holy Spirit is vital to their wellbeing and overall formation. Building faith during the growing years enables the growth and health of our parish community creating a space for children and youth to grow spiritually. We have a team of dedicated volunteer parishioners who facilitate the Faith Formation Program

We offer Faith Formation Classes for children and youth from kindergarten through to the 11th&12th grade. The syllabus followed is as prescribed by the Archdiocese of Bangalore for grades 1-10 and based on the You Cat for grade 11&12. The classes are held every Sunday after the Sunday 7:00 AM Holy Mass, from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM from June to February every year.

In addition to the regular Faith Formation Classes, we also conduct dedicated courses for children preparing for the reception of the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Reconciliation and Confirmation.