Family Apostolate

A healthy family is the foundation for a holy society. Inspired by this dictum, we seek to provide the means of achieving this worthy goal through ministering to the family in spirit, mind and body. Spiritual growth through family prayer, devotion to the Holy Family of Nazareth, and regular reception of the sacraments that nourish the soul. The Family Apostolate seeks to actively inspire hope and healing in family life.

The mission of this Apostolate in our Parish is to bring the love of Christ to an aching world, fulfilling the great commandment, “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, and soul. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” The Apostolate proceeds from a deep relationship with God in prayer. The goal of this Apostolate is to help others to encounter Christ. Reaching out as His hands, feet and heart, we serve with cheerfulness, a ready smile and commitment to gospel values. The main focus of this mission is to bring the beauty of God to families because the family is critical to a healthy society. We see family as the domestic church where the seed of faith is sown. The family Apostolate strives to enforce the families into a God-centred life and relationship. 


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