Mass Timing & Events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday First Friday Saturday
6:30 AM: English
6:30 AM: English

5:30 PM : Kannada
6:30 AM: English
6:30 AM :Tamil

5:30 PM : English
6:30 AM : English

5:30 PM : Tamil
5:00 PM : Adoration

5:30 PM : Bi-Lingual Mass
(Kannada & Tamil)
6:30 AM : Kannada
Sunday Masses
Saturday 5:30 PM
English (Sunday Liturgy)
Sunday 7:00 AM
English, (1st Sunday, Special Mass for the Parish Children)
Sunday 8:15 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 3:00 PM
Sunday 5:30 PM
English (3rd Sunday, Special Mass for the Parish Youth)
Every First Saturday of the Month – Devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes
11:00 AM
Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration and Healing Service followed by Bi-Lingual Mass (Kannada and Tamil)
Every First Sunday of the Month
11:00 AM
Mass in Malayalam
Every Third Sunday of the Month
11:00 AM
Mass in Konkani

Other Special Programs

Every 3rd Friday of the Month
11:00 AM
Way of the Cross and Holy Mass
Night Vigil Services
Every 2nd Saturday: 10:00 PM to Sunday morning 5:00 AM
Language: by Rotation
Annual Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
11th February
Lenten Penitential Way of the Cross
4th Sunday of Lent on the Hill


11 May

Psalms Recitations

11-05-2024 - 12-05-2024
22 Apr
15 Apr

Easter Blessing

15-04-2024 -
09 Jun
02 Jun

Archbishops's Message of Blessings

“Dear Friends,Greetings from Archbishop Peter Machado!The Church, in order to make its ministries very effective and efficient, must make use of all the resources that are presently available. Today, the technologies, especially the social media networks are making tremendous impact on all of us, particularly on our children and youth who are not only addicted to them, but also tremendously influenced by them as they are easy targets and vulnerable....

“Dear Friends,
Greetings from Archbishop Peter Machado!

The Church, in order to make its ministries very effective and efficient, must make use of all the resources that are presently available. Today, the technologies, especially the social media networks are making tremendous impact on all of us, particularly on our children and youth who are not only addicted to them, but also tremendously influenced by them as they are easy targets and vulnerable. And, therefore, we need to be extra-cautious and channelise them properly to make them beneficial and productive.

Having a Website for our parishes and institutions is very much needed in today’s context as it creates unity and fellowship among all the members of the Parish. It is a powerful means of communication platform, not only to establish a better rapport, but also to get the required information and guidance to the people on time.

To design and set up a Website is very important, but to update it periodically and make it functional is all the more challenging.
As the parish clergy and those who work in MNC Companies are technical savvy, I am sure, the Whitefield Parish will create a bench mark in the Archdiocese.

May I congratulate all those who are instrumental in re-designing and updating the Parish Website.

With every good wish and God’s blessings,

Yours sincerely,
+ Peter Machado
Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangalore.”

The Parish Priest's Message

“My dear friends,Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is known, in the Archdiocese, as a Techie Parish as it is blessed with many Technical Experts who are conversant in Technology. To uphold this tittle, we need to make our ministries more reachable by exploiting the potentials of the available social media channels.We do have a few social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter maintained by the individuals in the name...

“My dear friends,

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is known, in the Archdiocese, as a Techie Parish as it is blessed with many Technical Experts who are conversant in Technology. To uphold this tittle, we need to make our ministries more reachable by exploiting the potentials of the available social media channels.

We do have a few social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter maintained by the individuals in the name of our parish. We intend to bring them under one umbrella to give them a professional touch; and, to do this, we should have a well-qualified and dedicated media team in our Parish, and without which we might fail, even if we make a re-start.

Needless to say, today, social media networks do play a pivotal role in building true Christian Communities and fellowship. His Holiness Pope Francis has extolled the power and the utility of the social media when he addressed the participants in a workshop hosted by the Pontifical Academy for Life on the relationship between the person, emerging technologies and the common good, and reiterated that progress of science and technology must always be at the service of human dignity and integral human development.

We want those who have expertise and interest in media and technology to join our Parish Media Team. For the sake of maintaining professionalism and to ensure continuity, we are going to set up a semi-media infrastructure in the Parish.

Our dream is to make our Parish website reaches all those sign up for it. We are happy to know that our YouTube Channel is viewed by many visitors.
Let us put in our best efforts and make our initiatives fruitful and rewarding.

With best wishes and God’s blessings,

Msgr. S. Jayanathan
Parish Priest”

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